
Thursday, March 31, 2005

My old car...trapped in video game land

Originally uploaded by crazypete04.

I've now been in New York for one whole year and while I've learned to do without good burritos, Zachery's pizza, clean air, and sunsets, I still miss having my old car.

Fortunately, Gran Turismo 4, which I finally did find a copy of (and not at Circuit City), does a respectable job of helping me to relive some of those old times. Unfortunately, what it doesn't allow me to do is drive to the grocery store, fill up the back with a month's worth of food, and driving it all back home.

On the other hand, a month's worth of groceries wouldn't fit in my closet of a kitchen and it's shoebox sized refrigerator anyway. So while I'll still enjoy driving my virtual car around video game land, and thanks to the nifty new "Photo Traveller" enhancement in the latest release of GT, take pictures of my virtual car in video game land, back in real world land, I'll have to live with my actual old car substitute which alternates between a beat up yellow Crown Vic, a chain of steel boxes on rails, and a trusty pair of sneakers.


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