
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Back to Apple (and geek-dom)

As of last night, I've made the switch to Mac OS and Apple by picking up a Powerbook. Part of me feels that I've succumbed to Apple's marketing schemes. However, there's also a part of me that feels like I'm returning to the brand that introduced me to the world of personal computing with the Apple IIe that still sits in my mom's house to this day. Of course, I haven't completely made the switch from the Windows world yet since I'm still composing this post on a Windows-based PC. Once I get used to not having my right-click button, I'll start posting from the Mac.

This seems like an appropriate end to a week-long stint of geekiness. Sadly, I'll have to admit that last week I immersed myself in coverage of this years E3 show through G4 TV's coverage and a host of web pages, watching for breaking news on upcoming video games the same way people wait for word of trades and free agency pickups for the upcoming football season. I followed this up with the final Star Wars prequel. I think tomorrow I'm going to pick up a new pocket protector and protractor!


At 2:30 PM, Blogger joaners said...

i used to have the old skool mac IIe as well! and we kept it for about 12 years i think.... sat in the closet for about 10 of those 12 years.

and i totally think all mac users are geeks. esther and will just spend sunday night at our apt geeking out over their powerbooks and related software. i sat in the corner, dejected and left out, with my toshiba.


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