
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Curse this old man brain!

Lately I've begun to notice early signs of my aging body. On a trip into the Hayden Planetarium at the Museum of Natural History, a friend laughed at my old man eyes that needed more time to adjust from the bright daylight of the glass-walled hall to the darkness inside the Hayden Sphere. On my 29th birthday, my leg decided to give the rest of me the gift of a "slightly arthritic" knee (according to the doctor). And I've begun to notice that I have to ask people to repeat themselves more often than I used to - normally with a nice polite "huh???"

But possibly the most disturbing sign of deterioration is my growing inability to remember things. As a kid, I could tell you what was on what channel at what time (granted this was pre-cable so there were a whopping 5 channels to choose from). Likewise, appointments, assignments, phone numbers, exactly where I'd buried my GI Joe man...all easily remembered without notes, Post-Its, Outlook reminders, or the like. But now, I'm lucky if I remember to zip my fly up in the morning. (I usually remember to check...oh....about half a block down from my house as I'm walking to the train.)

So, as an effort to replace my natural brain functions with technology, I've finally succumbed to what I've always said I'd never use - Friendster. Friendster is now my crutch (or cane if you will) to remember names of friends, friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends. Now if only there was a field for "Where We Met" and "What We Talked About", I'd be set.


At 12:00 PM, Blogger joaners said...

you're not alone... i have an arthritic toe!!!! i'm serious too. btw, you have a typo in your post....

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Peter said...

Corrected. Thanks.


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