
Wednesday, June 29, 2005


First a word of warning: This is a post about poo. For lack of other interesting subjects, I've chosen this one to blog. While I don't plan to go into detail about smell, size, color, consistency, or the number of wipes it took to finish, the topic may still be offensive to some. If this is the case for you, please feel free to skip this post.

I'm normally an after-work person. However, it seems my schedule has been slightly off lately. I've narrowed the cause down to either eating breakfast more often or the heat and humidity (which forces me to drink more water). Whichever the case, several times this week, I've need to take care of my business during business hours. Unfortunately, I've never really been the type of person who liked doing my business in public bathrooms.

Today was one of those urgent business days. While I was sitting on the thinking chair pondering my situation, someone else decided to occupy one of the other two thinking booths that were available. Conscientiously, he left a buffer thinking booth in-between us. And while there's the obvious benefit of the extra distance that any lingering aroma would need to travel from one thinking booth to the other, there's actually a second, possibly more important benefit which might not be as obvious. The extra buffer protects the anonymity of the thinkers.

Let me explain. When I was in college, I lived on a co-ed floor in the dorms. This meant we also shared the same co-ed bathroom. Now in general, this wasn't a problem. Floor to ceiling shower stalls meant there wasn't any issue with that situation. However, the thinking chairs weren't enclosed by floor to ceiling walls. This meant that, on occassion, you would be in the process of tending to your duties when a girl would come by to occupy the stall next to yours. Now, sounds and smells aside, I think the worst part was that the wall doesn't quite stretch low enough to prevent you from recognizing whose flip-flops those were in the stall next-door.

That being said, I'd like to thank whoever the person was who came into the business area today for the consideration of leaving the buffer stall.


At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come to think of it...I do remember seeing your blue/white striped slippers in the bathroom a lot.

At 1:38 PM, Blogger Peter said...

Ah yes, those blue and white striped slippers. Fortunately, I don't remember what other peoples slippers looked like. Possibly because I've blocked the details those traumatic episodes out of my mind (certain episodes being more traumatic than others!)

At 11:28 AM, Blogger joaners said...

wow, and i thought talks about poops and craps were only initiated by becky... i have seen another side of peter.

At 2:11 AM, Blogger Peter said...

Yep, I've been known to talk poop here and there.


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