
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Baseball Fan?

When I came out to New York, it was pretty much a certainty that I would be returning to California at some point. And, as I've always wanted to make the cross-country drive, I told myself that my return trip would be the opportune time. So now that the return trip is coming up, I'm starting to give some thought to what I want to see during as I make the 3500+ mile trip.

Some friends who have made the trek before me have given me some great recommendations: hop from National Park to National Park, drive some scenic routes, and of course visit good friends along the way that might house and feed you. However, one idea that's come from a couple of different sources is to stop by ballparks along the way and catch as many baseball games as you can. Doing a quick Google search returns a number of websites, books, and even tours you a can take. However, it seems that I missing one big requirement for this kind of trip - I'm actually not a big baseball fan. I mean, I've been to games, I generally like being at ballparks, and I like the notion of drinking a cold beer on a warm summer day. But, I don't follow baseball, I couldn't tell you who plays on the Reds or the Indians or even the Twins for that matter.

So along with spending time with the friends I've made out here in New York, packing my apartment up, and trying to get around to the touristy stuff that I haven't done here yet, I'm adding "becoming a baseball fan" to my list of things to get to in the 5 weeks that I have left here.


At 3:56 PM, Blogger SP said...

Okay, I've got a baseball tour possible agenda for you. On June 5th, his Camden Yards for an Orioles game against Toronto.

From there, grab Tuesday or Wednesday's ChiSox game at New Comiskey against the Tigers.

Then head for Cincinatti and get Thursday's Reds-Cubs game at Great American Ballpark.

Then grab one of the weekend Dodgers-Rockies games at Coors Field.

From there, you're on your own. I think it'd be great to see a game at the new Busch Stadium, but they're away during this timeframe.


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