
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Stars at Night, Are Big and Bright...

...deep in the heart of Texas.

This is where I've unfortunately ended up. I missed my flight out of New York this morning by 10 minutes (which not so coincidentally is the amount of time my cab sat in traffic trying to get from the freeway to the terminal). So instead of sitting on a direct flight to Seattle right now, I'm sitting at the Dallas-Ft.Worth airport waiting on standby with the hopes that someone doesn't show up for this fully booked flight.

The moral of the story: If you're planning on staying up all night so that you don't miss your early morning flight, don't fool yourself at the last hour that you can take a 30 minute nap without setting some kind of alarm.


At 11:30 AM, Blogger joaners said...

try the ny airport shuttle... i swear by it.

At 2:12 AM, Blogger Peter said...

Unless the shuttle driver can come up to my apartment to wake me up, I'm not sure it would have saved me this time.


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