
Monday, January 30, 2006


I was half-right with the last post. Turns out we now know who was behind the assassination plot and the stolen nerve gas. But, I also now know that I can't make a good meatloaf on the first try. Next time, more breadcrumbs.

Just made it...I think

With 2 minutes to spare before the start of 24, my first attempt at meatloaf made it into the oven. In exactly 62 minutes, I still won't know who stole the nerve gas and is behind President Palmer's assassination but I will know whether or not I can make a decent meatloaf.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

New York Delivered

I've briefly mentioned my love of delivery service in New York in a previous post. For example, tomorrow morning I plan to call the laundromat to have my washed-and-folded clothes delivered. Thursday night, my groceries will be brought to the door of my 5th floor walk-up apartment sometime between 6-8pm. And at any given time on any given day, I can order from one of hundreds of restaurants and within minutes, someone will buzz my apartment with anything from cuban food to chinese food to cuban-chinese food.

Tonight, the restaurant of choice was the Chirping Chicken, a roasted chicken place a few blocks away. Now normally, when I answer the intercom, someone on the other side replies "delivery" or "laundry." This time, I picked up the intercom and hear a very enthusiastic "chick-ENNNN!!" from the other end. Now there's a guy who likes job. I tipped him an extra buck. Not sure if it was for his extra enthusiasm or for the laugh I got at someone yelling "chick-ENNNN!!" into my intercom but it seemed well deserved.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Johnny Who?

Johnny Who?
Originally uploaded by crazypete04.

Apparently, Bostonians aren't so happy with Johnny Damon's move from the Red Sox to the hated Yankees. How do I know this? Most of my Flickr pictures have somewhere around 10 views. Yesterday, I posted this picture from my weekend trip to Boston and the current view count is 89.

To be honest, I don't even know how people are happening across this picture but I've got mixed emotions about the fact that someone's marked it as her favorite. While I'm happy that one of my pictures is a favorite, it doesn't say much about the rest of them that this Johnny Damon one is it.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Happy New Year

I've got an aunt who has recently discovered the joys of e-mail. Of the many e-mails she's sent since this new epiphany, I think only 10 or so had subject lines not prefaced by "FW:". So it's understandable that I don't necessarily read her e-mails on a timely basis if at all.

Yesterday, I finally replied to an e-mail of hers asking for mailing addresses for the various extended family members spread out across the country and a few abroad. I clicked the reply button -- note that I clicked reply and not reply-to-all -- and sent her my relevant information. To this, I got this reply back, with all the family members magically back on the "To:" line:

From: Peggy Chan
Date: Jan 4, 2006 2:24 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: family mailing address
To: Dan Chan, Frank Chan, jackie chan, Janet Chan, Joe chan, Laikan chan, peter chan, raymond chan, rita chan, ron chan, steve S chan, walter chan, wendy chan, nadine live yu tong, sam pederson, teresa tsang, lillian tsang, nally tsang, william tsang, winston tsang

Dear Peter: Happy New Year, I have a long conversation
with your mother this x'mas, we both think you and
Steve need to find a girl friend this year, good
luck. Love Aunt Peggy

--- Peter Chan wrote:

> Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 13:52:20 -0500
> From: Peter Chan
> To: Peggy Chan
> Subject: Re: family mailing address
> Sorry, I forgot to send this to you earlier. Here's
> my address:
