
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I'd like to thank...

The Skyscraper.
The Skyscraper.
Originally uploaded by crazypete04.

It's actually been quite a while since I've seen an episode of Saturday Night Live. I assume they're still using the same format though - the show starts with and host screaming "Live From New York, it's Saturday Night!" and ends with the host thanking the musical guest and the cast and crew.

Just shy of two years and three months, my stay in New York has come to a close. And so, I'd like to thank the great friends that I've made out here. While I can definitely say I've made a few lifelong friends, experience has taught me that I've also made great friends out here whom I'll slowly lose contact with. So I thank those the most.

Years from now, when I tell someone I once lived in New York and they ask me how I liked it, I might not remember the details of the crazy nights in the East Village, the fun I had playing volleyball on the West Side, the dinners at great restaurants, or just the strolls through the city. I might not remember the details of the conversations or the course of those events, but I'll undoubtedly tell that person that asked that I loved New York. What I'll really mean is that I loved the company of those great friends that were with me. New York was just the backdrop.

So goodnight, New York. It's been a great show.


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